Architectural Concept Plans at GHP and How It Works
01 December 2022We get a lot of queries regarding how to produce and develop an architectural design idea, as well as how to construct and justify a design response generally; as a result, in this article, we are going to look at where the design process starts with the concept design.
Every project in architecture should begin with developing a concept, which, in the simplest terms, is an idea that serves as the basis, or backbone, of the design process and the decisions made.
What is an Architectural Concept Plans
Before we get into architectural concepts and how they are developed, we need first to get a firm grasp on what the term “concept” actually means and what it is intended to accomplish in most situations. A concept, when taken in its literal sense, can be thought of as an abstract notion, a plan or aim, an idea or innovation to help sell or promote a product, or any combination of these.
An idea, notion, theory, object, opinion, representation, or process that supplies the essential building blocks to the ideas and beliefs that underpin an idea is therefore referred to as a concept. They play a crucial part in gaining a grasp of a subject in all of its facets.
The Need for Concept Plans
Every project should begin with the generation of an idea since this serves as the foundation for further development and directs the design process. However, there is no requirement for a single overarching notion; rather, a building or structure might contain several distinct ideas that direct the formation of its component pieces into a unified whole. For instance, the materiality may be derived from the vernacular of the area, or the structural arrangement of the building may be a reaction to the natural topography of the area.
A concept is a method of creating and justifying design decisions, and these decisions are virtually always a combination of the site, the design brief, and the story. The work of GHP is an excellent illustration of how a concept can work to drive a project forwards. The strength of his concepts and their explanations have enabled him to explain and justify even the most outlandish of projects, which, without their grounding, would have never come to fruition. This is an excellent example of how a concept can work to drive a project forwards.
How You Can Benefit From an Architectural Concept Plans
Because architectural design decisions are formed and characterised by their conceptions, the strength of an architectural concept is a significant factor in evaluating architectural strength. A poorly planned and executed design is usually to blame for a poorly executed piece of architecture; the two go hand in hand. As a result, its goal is to bring clarity and structure to designing a building and to exhibit that building to the public.
A concept, however, does not have to be a single “great idea,” as was mentioned above; rather, it may also be a sequence of smaller conceptual situations, which could, for example, be based on organisation, materiality, or structure. This was previously discussed. These are referred to at various points during the process to assist answer issues and making decisions, which all contribute to moving the project ahead.
Therefore, a design idea, regardless of how big or tiny it is, is the catalyst for the birth and growth of a project. Its objective is to reflect the heart and core of the scheme by offering answers and explanations to its questions.
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